By Ashley Hemerik. © 2024
Name & traits | Lvl | ||
{{ }} {{creature.traits.join(', ')}} |
{{ creature.level }}
{{ creature.level }}
add |
skip_next {{currentencounter.roundNum}} | Name | HP | AC | Fort | Ref | Will | Perc. DC | Cond. | Comments | delete_sweep |
play_arrow | {{ }} {{combatant.duplicateIndex}} | 0)){ combatant.hp.max = parseInt(combatant.hp.value)}" :class="{ hpgrey: (true), hpred: (combatant.hp.value/combatant.hp.max > 0.125), hporange: (combatant.hp.value/combatant.hp.max > 0.375), hpyellow: (combatant.hp.value/combatant.hp.max > 0.675), hpgreen: (combatant.hp.value/combatant.hp.max > 0.875), hpinput: true, dead: (parseInt(combatant.hp.value) < 1 && combatant.hp.max != 0 && combatant.hp.value != ''), darkPenalty: (combatant.hp.modifications && combatant.hp.modifications.length > 0) }"> / {{combatant.hp.max}} | {{ plus(combatant.fortitude.value) }} | {{ plus(combatant.reflex.value) }} | {{ plus(combatant.will.value) }} | {{parseInt(combatant.perception.value)+10}} |
condition.number = parseInt(condition.number)-1;
} else {
combatant = applyConditions(combatant);
$event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); return false;"
@pointerdown="isHolding = true;
mywindow.setTimeout(() => {
combatant = applyConditions(combatant);
isHolding = false;
$event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); closemenus(); return false;
@pointerup="isHolding = false"
@click="let newNum = mywindow.prompt('Enter condition value', condition.number);
if(newNum != null) condition.number = newNum;
combatant = applyConditions(combatant);"
more_vert |
Speed | Skills | |
{{plus(statblock.perception.value)}} {{sense}} |
{{ statblock.speed }} |
{{ }}
{{ plus(skill.modifier) }}
() Flat Check |
Stealth | AC | Fort | Ref | Will |
DC {{statblock.stealth.value+10}} |
{{ }}
{{', ','\n').replace('; ','\n') }} |
{{ plus(statblock.fortitude.value) }}
{{ statblock.fortitude.note }} |
{{ plus(statblock.reflex.value) }}
{{ statblock.reflex.note }} |
{{ plus(statblock.will.value) }}
{{ statblock.will.note }} |
Languages | {{language}}, |
HP | |
immunities | {{statblock.immunities.join(', ')}} |
resistances | {{resistance.type}} {{resistance.value}} (except {{resistance.exceptions.join(', ')}}) (double resistance against {{resistance.doubleVs.join(', ')}}), |
weaknesses | {{weakness.type}} {{weakness.value}} (except {{weakness.exceptions.join(', ')}}) , |
Items |
{{trait}} item {{item.level}}
Price {{item.price}} |
focus points | {{entry.focusPoints.current+'/'+entry.focusPoints.max}} |
{{entry.lv10slots.current+'/'+entry.lv10slots.max}} 10th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv9slots.current+'/'+entry.lv9slots.max}} 9th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv8slots.current+'/'+entry.lv8slots.max}} 8th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv7slots.current+'/'+entry.lv7slots.max}} 7th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv6slots.current+'/'+entry.lv6slots.max}} 6th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv5slots.current+'/'+entry.lv5slots.max}} 5th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv4slots.current+'/'+entry.lv4slots.max}} 4th |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv3slots.current+'/'+entry.lv3slots.max}} 3rd |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv2slots.current+'/'+entry.lv2slots.max}} 2nd |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
{{entry.lv1slots.current+'/'+entry.lv1slots.max}} 1st |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
cantrips |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
rituals |
{{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}}
Cast {{spell.castingTime}}
Cost {{spell.cost}} Primary Check {{spell.primaryCheck}} Secondary Casters {{spell.secondaryCasters}} Secondary Check {{spell.secondaryChecks}} Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{}} |
Level | DC |
0 | 14 |
1 (spell lv1) | 15 |
2 | 16 |
3 (spell lv2) | 18 |
4 | 19 |
5 (spell lv3) | 20 |
6 | 22 |
7 (spell lv4) | 23 |
8 | 24 |
9 (spell lv5) | 26 |
10 | 27 |
11 (spell lv6) | 28 |
12 | 30 |
Level | DC |
13 (spell lv7) | 31 |
14 | 32 |
15 (spell lv8) | 34 |
16 | 35 |
17 (spell lv9) | 36 |
18 | 38 |
19 (spell lv10) | 39 |
20 | 40 |
21 | 42 |
22 | 44 |
23 | 46 |
24 | 48 |
25 | 50 |
Rank | DC |
Untrained | 10 |
Trained | 15 |
Expert | 20 |
Master | 30 |
Legendary | 40 |
Difficulty | Adjustment |
Incredibly easy | -10 |
Very easy | -5 |
Easy | -2 |
Hard (uncommon) | +2 |
Very hard (rare) | +5 |
Incredibly hard (unique) | +10 |
Accomplishment | XP Award |
Minor | 10 XP |
Moderate* | 30 XP |
Major* | 80 XP |
Draw a line from the center of the attacker's space or burst to the center of the target's space.
When you fall more than 5 feet, take bludgeoning damage equal to half the distance you fell. If you take any damage, you land prone. If you fall into water or a soft substance, calculate damage as though the fall were 20 feet shorter.
Category | Damage |
Minor | 1d6-2d6 |
Moderate | 4d6-6d6 |
Major | 8d6-12d6 |
Massive | 16d6-24d6 |
Door | Climb DC | Hardness, HP (BT) |
Wood | 20 | 10, 40 (20) |
Stone | 30 | 14, 56 (28) |
Reinforced wood | 15 | 15, 60 (30) |
Iron | 30 | 18, 72 (36) |
Wall | Climb DC | Hardness, HP (BT) |
Crumbling masonry | 15 | 10, 40 (20) |
Wooden slats | 15 | 10, 40 (20) |
Masonry | 20 | 14, 56 (28) |
Hewn stone | 30 | 14, 56 (28) |
Iron | 40 | 18, 72 (36) |
Portcullis | Climb DC | Hardness, HP (BT) |
Wood | 10 | 10, 40 (20) |
Iron | 10 | 18, 72 (36) |
Structure | Force Open DC |
Stuck door or window | 15 |
Exceptionally stuck | 20 |
Lift wooden portcullis | 20 |
Lift iron portcullis | 30 |
Bend metal bars | 30 |
Blinded | ||||
You can't see. All normal terrain is difficult terrain. You can't detect anything using vision. Automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to see; if vision is your only precise sense, you take a -4 status penalty to Perception checks. You are immune to visual effects. Blinded overrides dazzled. | ||||
Broken | ||||
A broken object can't be used, nor does it grant bonuses. Broken armor grants its item bonus to AC, but gives a status penalty to AC (-1 light, -2 medium,-3 heavy). | ||||
Clumsy | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to your clumsy value to Dexterity-based checks and DCs. | ||||
Confused | ||||
You are flat-footed/Off-guard, don't treat anyone as your ally, and can't Delay, Ready, or use reactions. Use all your actions to Strike or cast offensive cantrips. The GM determines targets randomly. If you have no other option, target yourself, automatically hitting. If it's impossible for you to attack or cast spells, you babble incoherently, wasting your actions. Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, attempt a DC 11 flat check to end the condition. | ||||
Controlled | ||||
Your controller dictates how you act. | ||||
Dazzled | ||||
All creatures and objects are concealed from you. | ||||
Deafened | ||||
Automatically critically fail Perception checks that require hearing. Take a -2 status penalty to Perception checks for initiative and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If you perform an action that has the auditory trait, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost. You are immune to auditory effects. | ||||
Drained | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to your drained value on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves. Lose Hit Points equal to your level times the drained value, and your maximum Hit Points are reduced by the same amount. When you regain Hit Points by resting for 8 hours, your drained value is reduced by 1, but you don't immediately recover the lost Hit Points. | ||||
Encumbered | ||||
You're clumsy 1 and take a -10-foot penalty to all your Speeds. | ||||
Enfeebled | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to your enfeebled value to Strength-based checks and DCs. | ||||
Fascinated | ||||
Take a -2 status penalty to Perception and skill checks, and you can't use actions with the concentrate trait unless they are related to the subject of your fascination. This condition ends if a creature takes hostile actions toward you or any of your allies. | ||||
Fatigued | ||||
Take a -1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. During exploration, you can't choose an exploration activity. Recover from fatigue after a full night's rest. | ||||
Flat-Footed / Off-guard | ||||
Take a -2 circumstance penalty to AC. | ||||
Fleeing | ||||
On your turn, spend each action trying to escape the source of the condition as expediently as possible. You can't Delay or Ready. | ||||
Frightened | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to the value to all checks and DCs. At the end of each of your turns, the value decreases by 1. | ||||
Grabbed | ||||
You're immobilized and flat-footed/Off-guard. If you attempt a manipulate action, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost. | ||||
Immobilized | ||||
You can't take any action with the move trait. If you're immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you, the force must succeed at a check against the DC of the effect holding you in place you or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the creature holding you in place. | ||||
Paralyzed | ||||
You're flat-footed/Off-guard and can't take actions except Recall Knowledge and others that require only your mind. You can't Seek. | ||||
Persistent Damage | ||||
Instead of taking persistent damage immediately, take it at the end of each of your turns, rolling any damage dice each time. After you take persistent damage, roll a DC 15 flat check to see if you recover. If you succeed, the condition ends. You or an ally can help you recover, allowing an additional flat check. This usually takes 2 actions, and must be something that would reasonably help against the source of the damage. The GM can reduce the DC to 10, have the damage end automatically, or change the number of actions. | ||||
Petrified | ||||
You can't act, nor can you sense anything. You're an object with double your normal Bulk (typically 12 if Medium or 6 if Small), AC 9, Hardness 8, and the same current HP you had when alive. | ||||
Prone | ||||
You're flat-footed/Off-guard with a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can take are Crawl and Stand. Standing ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone, gaining greater cover against ranged attacks (but remain flat-footed). | ||||
Quickened | ||||
You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Many effects that make you quickened specify the types of additional actions you can use. Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't gain actions immediately if you become quickened during your turn. | ||||
Restrained | ||||
You're tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You are immobilized and flat-footed/Off-guard, and you can't use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed. | ||||
Sickened | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to the value on all checks and DCs. You can't willingly ingest anything. You can spend an action retching to attempt a Fortitude save against the DC of the sickening effect. On a success, reduce the value by 1 (2 on a critical success). | ||||
Slowed | ||||
When you regain your actions at the start of your turn, reduce the number of actions by your slowed value. You don't lose actions immediately if slowed during your turn. | ||||
Stunned | ||||
You can't act. A stunned value indicates how many total actions you lose. Each time you regain actions, reduce the number by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions lost. If stunned has a duration, lose all your actions for the listed duration. Stunned overrides slowed. Actions lost to stunned count toward those Take a status penalty equal to the value to checks and DCs based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. If you Cast a Spell, it's disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check (DC = 5 + value).lost to slowed. | ||||
Stupefied | ||||
Take a status penalty equal to the value to checks and DCs based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. If you Cast a Spell, it's disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check (DC = 5 + value). |
Knocked Out: When reduced to 0 HP, move your initiative to directly before the creature or effect that reduced you to 0 HP. Gain dying 1, or dying 2 if the damage came from a critical hit or your critical failure on a save. A nonlethal effect makes you unconscious at 0 HP and doesn't give you the dying condition. Dying: You are unconscious. If you ever reach dying 4, you die. Attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn to determine whether you get better or worse. If you ever have 1 HP or more, you lose the dying condition. Any time you lose the dying condition, increase your wounded value by 1. If you take damage while dying, increase the dying value by 1 (or 2 on an enemy's critical success or your critical failure). Recovery Checks: At the start of your turn when you're dying, attempt a flat check (DC 10 + your dying value).
Wounded: Any time you gain the dying condition or increase it for any reason, add your wounded value to the amount you gain or increase your dying value. The wounded condition ends if you receive HP from Treat Wounds, or if you're restored to full HP and rest for 10 minutes.
Doomed: The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die. Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night's rest.
Hero points: You can spend all your hero points to lose the dying condition if your dying condition would increase at any point. You stabilize at 0hp. Don't gain or increase your wounded value from losing the dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition you don't lose it or decrease it.
You can't wake up from unconsciousness while you have 0 Hit Points. If you're unconscious and have 1 or more Hit Points, you wake up in one of five ways.
Observed: A creature you're observed by knows where you are and can target you normally.
Concealed: A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with a non-area effect.
Hidden: A creature you're hidden from knows the space you're in. It is flat-footed/Off-guard to you, and must succeed at a DC 11 flat check to affect you. You can Hide to become hidden, and Seek to find hidden creatures.
Undetected: When you are undetected by a creature, it's flat-footed/Off-guard to you, can't see you, has no idea what space you occupy, and can't target you. It can try to guess your square by picking a square and attempting an attack. This works like targeting a hidden creature, but the flat check and attack roll are rolled in secret by the GM.
Unnoticed: A creature you're unnoticed by is totally unaware of your presence. Invisible You're undetected by everyone. You can't become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic.
Basic Actions (no rolls apply) | ||||
Name | Mode / Duration | Prof req. | DC | Most important trait |
Stride/fly/burrow | C | - | - | Move |
Crawl | C | - | - | Move |
Req. prone & speed of at least 10'. Move 5' and stay prone. | ||||
Drop prone | C | - | - | Move |
Stand | C | - | - | Move |
Leap | C | - | - | Move |
Horizontal: 10' if speed≥15' (clear a 5' gap), 15' if speed≥30'. Vertical: 3' vertical & 5' horizontal. | ||||
Raise a shield | C | - | - | |
Req. wielding a shield. You gain the shield's circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. | ||||
Take cover | C | - | - | |
Req. cover or prone. Cover becomes greater cover (+4 to AC & reflex against AOE & sneak), no cover becomes cover (+4 to AC & reflex against AOE & sneak). | ||||
Avert gaze | C | - | - | |
+2 circumstance bonus to saves agaist visual abilities. Remains until start of your next turn. | ||||
Delay | C | - | - | |
Trigger: your turn begins. Removed from initiative, come back after end of another's turn. Can't delay to escape negative effects or extend beneficial ones. | ||||
Ready | C / C | - | - | Concentrate |
Choose single action/free action and designate trigger. Use them as a reaction. (3 actions to ready a 2 action activity) | ||||
Interact | C | - | - | Manipulate |
Release | C | - | - | Manipulate |
Defend | E cont. | - | - | |
Half travel speed. Keep shield raised for when combat starts | ||||
Hustle | E con mod *10m. | - | - | |
Move twice as fast | ||||
Scout | E cont. | - | - | |
+1 circumstance bonus to initiative. | ||||
Follow the expert | E cont. | E for target | - | |
Perform the same checks as target, get your level+target's prof (E:+2.M:+3.L:+4) as a bonus. | ||||
Repeat a spell | E cont. | - | - | |
Continuously cast a spell, usually a cantrip | ||||
Refocus | E 10m. | - | - | Concentrate |
Req. focus pool, restores 1 focus point | ||||
Sustain a Spell | C | - | - | Concentrate |
Req. a spell to sustain and not fatigued. Spell lasts until end of next turn unless sustained. Sustaining for 10m. fatigues | ||||
Dismiss (magic) | C | - | - | Concentrate |
Req. allowed to be dismissed (see spell). End one spell effect or magic item effect | ||||
Retrain | D 1week/1month+ | |||
Respec feats, skills or selectable class features at GM's discretion, can't make choices you couldn't make at the time you made the original choice. Costs 1 week for skills & feats, 1 month or more for a class feature. | ||||
Basic Actions (special rolls apply) | ||||
Strike | C | - | Attack Roll vs AC | Attack |
Escape | C | - | Unarmed attack roll vs Athletics / ? | Attack |
as success and stride 5ft. Remove Grabbed, immobilized and restrained. can't escape until next turn | ||||
Grab an edge | C | - | Reflex Save vs Climb DC / ? | |
Requires free hands, -30ft. damage. -20ft. damage. 10 damage for every 20ft. fallen. | ||||
Aid | C & | - | ? vs DC 20 / ? | |
+2 to target's roll (+3 for masters, +4 for legendary) +1 to Target's roll. -1 to target's roll | ||||
Investigate | E cont. | - | See Recall Knowledge | Secret |
Continuously use recall knowledge checks |
Perception | ||||
Seek | C / E ? | - | Stealth DC | Secret |
30' cone / 15' burst / 10' square. becomes observed. becomes undetected & know location or clue | ||||
Sense Motive | C | - | Deception DC | Secret |
know intentions or enchantment. Know if it's normal behavior Get a false impression. | ||||
Search | E cont. | - | Stealth DC | Secret |
Continuously use seek action, 300ft./min. or 150ft./min. For thorough search. |
Acrobatics | ||||
Balance | C | - | Balance DC / ? | Move |
move up to your speed. move up to your speed in difficult terrain don't move. fall and end turn. | ||||
Tumble Through | C | - | Reflex DC | Move |
move through enemy space (difficult terrain). your movement ends and you might trigger a reaction. | ||||
Arrest a fall | C | - | 15 / ? | |
Requires fly speed:. take no falling damage | ||||
Maneuver in flight | C | Req. Trained | ? | Move |
you succeed at the maneuver. can't move or some other detrimental effect happens. more dire effects | ||||
Squeeze | E ? | Req. Trained | - / ? | Move |
1min. per 10ft. 1min. per 5ft. become stuck for one minute, attempt the check again to be unstuck. |
Arcana | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Borrow Arcane spell | E prep. | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | |
you prepare the spell. don't prepare the spell, spell slot is still empty, can't try this spell again today. | ||||
Decipher writing | E 1m. per page / ? | Req. Trained | ? | Secret |
understand true meaning. as cs but not word-for-word. fail, -2 to try again. incorrect information | ||||
Identify Magic | E (10m.) | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
learn name, effect, activation & curse. learn name, effect, activation (can't try again). can't try again for 1day. misidentify magic as something else | ||||
Learn a Spell | E 1h. per spell level | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | |
lose half materials & learn spell. lose materials & learn spell . try again at later level. lose half materials & try again at later level. |
Athletics | ||||
Climb | C | - | Climb DC / ? | Move |
as s +5' . move 5' per 20' land speed (often 5' total). fall and land prone | ||||
Swim | C | - | - / ? | Move |
move 10'+5'per 20' land speed move 5'+5' per 20' land speed lose 1 round of air when submerged | ||||
Long jump | C | - | Distance in ft. / ? | Move |
Stride at least 10'+leap, leap distance desired distance. leap normally. leap & land prone. | ||||
High jump | C | - | 30 | Move |
Stride at least 10'+leap, max vert=8' or 5'&horizontal=10'. max vert dist=5'. normal leap. fall prone. | ||||
Force open | C | - | AC | Attack |
-2 without crowbar open without damage, it gains broken condition. -2 to try again. | ||||
Grapple | C | - | Fortitude | Attack |
Req. 1 free hand & target≤your size+1. target is restrained until end of your next turn. target is grabbed until end of your next turn. let target go. let target go & target can grab you or make you fall prone. | ||||
Shove | C | - | Fortitude | Attack |
Req. 1 free hand & target≤your size+1. push target 10' and may follow it. as cs but 5'. fall prone. | ||||
Trip | C | - | Reflex DC | Attack |
Req. 1 free hand & target≤your size+1. target falls prone +1d6 blu dmg. target falls prone. fall prone. | ||||
Disarm | C | Req. Trained | Reflex DC | Attack |
Req. 1 free hand & target≤your size+1. item falls in opponent's space. +2 to try again, -2 for attacks & checks with that item. become flat footed until the start of your next turn. |
Crafting | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Repair | E 10m. | - | Level DC + adjustment / ? | |
Req. repair kit. restore 10hp+10*prof.. restore 5hp+5*prof.. deal 2d6-hardness damage. | ||||
Identify Alchemy | E 10m. | Req. Trained | Level DC + adjustment / ? | Secret |
Req. alchemists tools. identify item & activation. can try again. identify as something else. | ||||
Craft | D 4d+ | Req. Trained | Level DC + adjustment | |
Req. formula≤your level, tools, maybe workshop, materials worth at least half items price. as s but take one level higher in table4-2. gain item, each additional day reduces material cost by table4-2. start over. start over, lose 10% of material. | ||||
Earn Income | D 1d+ | Req. Trained | Level DC + adjustment | |
See table4-2. Assign a task, might find a lower task, finding a higher task requires gathering info or socializing. as s but gain one level higher. gain amount in table, can continue without more rolls. gain failure amount in table. fired immediately, reputation suffers, finding jobs might be harder from now on. |
Deception | ||||
Lie | C + | - | Perception DC + adjustment | Secret |
target believes you, might sense motive later. target doesn't believe you. might mistrust you, -4 from now | ||||
Create a diversion | C | - | Perception DC | Mental |
Targets get +4 to perception DC's for 1m. become hidden until end of next turn. | ||||
Feint | C | Req. Trained | Perception DC | Mental |
Req. melee range. target is flat footed against your melee attacks until end of your next turn. target is flat-footed/Off-guard for your next melee attack this turn. flat-footed/Off-guard for target's melee attacks until end of next turn | ||||
Impersonate | E 10m.+ | - | - / Perception DC | Secret |
Might require disguise kit, Others might make seek actions. it works. they know. disguise fails complete |
Diplomacy | ||||
Request | C | - | DC Based on request | Mental |
Req. friendly/helpful target. helps. helps, might ask for more. refuse or propose alternative. -1 attitude step. | ||||
Gather Information | E ±2h | - | Simple DC + adjustment | Secret |
you collect information, GM determines the specifics. collect incorrect information. | ||||
Make an Impression | E 1m.+ | - | Will DC + adjustments | Mental |
Roll at end of conversation, lasts for 1 interaction. attitude +2 steps. attitude +1 step. attitude -1 step |
Intimidation | ||||
Demoralize | C | - | Will DC | Emotion |
-4 if they can't understand you. target becomes frightened 2. target becomes frightened 1. | ||||
Coerce | E 1m.+ | - | Will DC + adjustments | Emotion |
as s but might retaliate. does what you want for 1 day or less, becomes unfriendly. becomes unfriendly. |
Lore | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Earn Income | D 1d.+ | Req. Trained | Level DC + adjustment | |
See table4-2. Assign a task, might find a lower task, finding a higher task requires gathering info or socializing. as s but gain one level higher. gain amount in table, can continue without more rolls. gain failure amount in table. fired immediately, reputation suffers, finding jobs might be harder from now on. |
Medicine | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Administer First aid | C | - | DC 15 + Dying level / Bleed Effect DC | Manipulate |
Req. healers tools. target stabilizes or attempts another bleed check: dying+1 or takes the bleed damage. | ||||
Treat Poison | C | Req. Trained | Poison DC | Manipulate |
Req. healers tools. target gets +4 to next poison save. target gets +2 to next save. -2 to next save | ||||
Treat Wounds | E 10m.+ | Req. Trained | DC 15 or (optional E:20, M:30, L:40) | |
Req. healers tools. Immune to treat wounds for 1h.
target heals (T:4d8, E:4d8+10, M:4d8+30, L:4d8+50)hp. target heals (T:2d8, E:2d8+10, M:2d8+30, L:2d8+50). target gets 1d8 damage. |
Treat Disease | D 8h.+ | Req. Trained | Disease DC | |
Req. healers tools. target gets +4 to next disease save. target gets +2 to next save. -2 to next save |
Nature | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Command an Animal | C | - | Will DC + adjustment | Concentrate |
Req. neutral, friendly or helpful animal target. target does as told. target does nothing. misbehaves. | ||||
Identify Magic | E 10m. | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
learn name, effect, activation & curse. learn name, effect, activation (can't try again). can't try again for 1day. misidentify magic as something else | ||||
Learn a Spell | E 1h. per spell level | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | |
lose half materials & learn spell. lose materials & learn spell . try again at later level. lose half materials & try again at later level. |
Occultism | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Decipher writing | E 1m. per page / ? | Req. Trained | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
understand true meaning. as cs but not word-for-word. fail, -2 to try again. incorrect information | ||||
Identify Magic | E 10m. | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
learn name, effect, activation & curse. learn name, effect, activation (can't try again). can't try again for 1day. misidentify magic as something else | ||||
Learn a Spell | E 1h. per spell level | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | |
lose half materials & learn spell. lose materials & learn spell . try again at later level. lose half materials & try again at later level. |
Performance | ||||
Perform | C | - | ? | |
impress the observers. observers are appreciative performance falls flat. you are incompetent. | ||||
Earn Income | D 1d.+ | Req. Trained | Level DC + adjustment | |
See table4-2. Assign a task, might find a lower task, finding a higher task requires gathering info or socializing. as s but gain one level higher. gain amount in table, can continue without more rolls. gain failure amount in table. fired immediately, reputation suffers, finding jobs might be harder from now on. |
Religion | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Decipher writing | E 1m. per page / ? | Req. Trained | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
understand true meaning. as cs but not word-for-word. fail, -2 to try again. incorrect information | ||||
Identify Magic | E 10m. | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
learn name, effect, activation & curse. learn name, effect, activation (can't try again). can't try again for 1day. misidentify magic as something else | ||||
Learn a Spell | E 1h. per spell level | Req. Trained | Spell Level DC + adjustment | |
lose half materials & learn spell. lose materials & learn spell . try again at later level. lose half materials & try again at later level. |
Society | ||||
Recall Knowledge | C | - | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | Secret |
accurate recollection and additional knowledge. accurate recollection or clue. incorrect information | ||||
Decipher writing | E 1m. per page / ? | Req. Trained | Simple/Level DC + adjustment | |
understand true meaning. as cs but not word-for-word. fail, -2 to try again. incorrect information | ||||
Create Forgery | D 1d./1w. | Req. Trained | DC 20 / Society DC / Perception DC | Secret |
Req. proper writing material. Up to +4 if you've seen similar document before. Might need copy of handwriting. DC is Perception or Society (whichever is higher) when you roll below 20. Perception check may still be made. | ||||
Subsist | D 8h.+ | Based on surroundings | Simple DC | |
-5 if you do it after 8h or less. comfortable living for you and 1 creature. basic living. basic living + fatigued. -2 to subsist for 1w. No food. |
Stealth | ||||
Hide | C | - | Perception DC | Secret |
Req. cover or greater cover. become hidden or remain hidden / undetected. | ||||
Sneak | C | - | Perception DC | Secret |
Stride half speed and remain hidden/undetected/unnoticed. Roll at end of movement. End in cover or become observed. Cover=+2, greater cover=+4. undetected. hidden. observed (hidden if invisible) | ||||
Conceal Object | C | - | Perception DC | Secret |
Req. small item (i.e. L weapon). object remains undetected. object is found. | ||||
Avoid Notice | E cont. | - | Perception DC | |
Half travel speed. Roll stealth for initiative, this roll also check's if you're unnoticed at the start of the encounter. |
Survival | ||||
Sense Direction | E ±1m. | - | Simple DC | Secret |
excellent sense of where you are. not hopelessly lost, know cardinal directions. | ||||
Cover Tracks | E cont. | Req. Trained | - | |
Trackers need to roll against your survival DC. | ||||
Track | E 1h.- or C | Req. Trained | Simple DC / Survival DC | |
find trail or continue following. lose trail, try again after 1h.. lose trail trail, try again after 24h. | ||||
Subsist | D 8h.+ | ? | Simple DC | |
-5 if you do it after 8h or less. comfortable living for you and 1 creature. basic living. basic living + fatigued. -2 to subsist for 1w. No food. |
Thievery | ||||
Palm an object | C | - | Perception DC | Manipulate |
Req. small unattended object (often negligible bulk) they don't notice. they notice. | ||||
Steal | C | - | Perception DC + adjustment | Manipulate |
Req. small object of negligible bulk.-5 if in pocket. steal unnoticed. noticed before stealing. | ||||
Disable a device | C | Req. Trained | Device DC | Manipulate |
Complex devices require thieves tool. 2 successes / disabled, no trace, can be rearmed. 1 success / disabled. trigger the device. | ||||
Pick a lock | C | Req. Trained | Lock DC | Manipulate |
Req. thieves tools (maybe improvised). unlocked / 2 successes, no trace. unlocked / 1 success, leave traces. break tools, requires repair or replacement |
Task Level | DC | Failed | Trained | Expert | Master | Legendary |
0 | 14 | 1 cp | 5 cp | 5 cp | 5 cp | 5 cp |
1 | 15 | 2 cp | 2 sp | 2 sp | 2 sp | 2 sp |
2 | 16 | 4 cp | 3 sp | 3 sp | 3 sp | 3 sp |
3 | 18 | 8 cp | 5 sp | 5 sp | 5 sp | 5 sp |
4 | 19 | 1 sp | 7 sp | 8 sp | 8 sp | 8 sp |
5 | 20 | 2 sp | 9 sp | 1 gp | 1 gp | 1 gp |
6 | 22 | 3 sp | 1 gp, 5 sp | 2 gp | 2 gp | 2 gp |
7 | 23 | 4 sp | 2 gp | 2 gp, 5 sp | 2 gp, 5 sp | 2 gp, 5 sp |
8 | 24 | 5 sp | 2 gp, 5 sp | 3 gp | 3 gp | 3 gp |
9 | 26 | 6 sp | 3 gp | 4 gp | 4 gp | 4 gp |
10 | 27 | 7 sp | 4 gp | 5 gp | 6 gp | 6 gp |
11 | 28 | 8 sp | 5 gp | 6 gp | 8 gp | 8 gp |
12 | 30 | 9 sp | 6 gp | 8 gp | 10 gp | 10 gp |
13 | 31 | 1 gp | 7 gp | 10 gp | 15 gp | 15 gp |
14 | 32 | 1 gp, 5 sp | 8 gp | 15 gp | 20 gp | 20 gp |
15 | 34 | 2 gp | 10 gp | 20 gp | 28 gp | 28 gp |
16 | 35 | 2 gp, 5 sp | 13 gp | 25 gp | 36 gp | 40 gp |
17 | 36 | 3 gp | 15 gp | 30 gp | 45 gp | 55 gp |
18 | 38 | 4 gp | 20 gp | 45 gp | 70 gp | 90 gp |
19 | 39 | 6 gp | 30 gp | 60 gp | 100 gp | 130 gp |
20 | 40 | 8 gp | 40 gp | 75 gp | 150 gp | 200 gp |
20 (critical success) | — | — | 50 gp | 90 gp | 175 gp | 300 gp |